Clearview Captioning & Interpreting
Communication services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between CART and C-Print?
Communications Access Realtime Translation (CART) is a form of verbatim captioning in which a stenographer sets up his/her steno machine and laptop on a portable stand, and sits next to the individual receiving services. The CART consumer reads directly off a laptop screen. This can be used comfortably for up to two CART consumers. CART can also be provided remotely in which case the consumer of the captioning would log onto a website where he/she could read the captions. CART works well in many settings including educational, business, medical and other community settings.
C-Print is a speech-to-text (captioning) technology and service developed at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, a college of Rochester Institute of Technology. This program can be tailored to meet the need of the individual consumer. It is never verbatim but can come close to the original rendering of the spoken English or can be broken down to more of a conceptual meaning for meaning translation in near real time. The system successfully is being used to provide communication access to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing in many programs around the country. In addition to educational environments, C-Print also can be used in business and community settings.

Who would benefit from captioning services?
Anyone who has a significant hearing loss - either hard of hearing or deaf - could benefit from this service. The service works well with those who are not fluent in a signed language as well as with those who are but choose captioning because of certain benefits that come with captioning verses a sign language interpreter.

How much notice would I have to provide in order to obtain this service?
In order to provide the client with best possible service, it would be beneficial to give Clearview Captioning at least 2 days notice (depending on the business or appointment). Some venues would require more time, such as conferences or college attendance. Please contact Clearview Captioning, for more information.

Our Hours


9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM

Our Contacts

